
UgandaTo Extend National Backbone Infrastructure to Enhance Internet Accessibility and Lower Prices

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The Government of Uganda intends to extend the National Backbone Infrastructure (NBI), this a significant step that will promote internet accessibility, boost connectivity, enhance communication networks and reduce the cost of internet throughout the country. This initiative highlights the government’s commitment to fostering technological advancements and creating an enabling environment for a digitally empowered nation.

The National Backbone Infrastructure (NBI) length so far stands at 764km of optical cable, and the government hopes to create an additional 842km, and this will extend as far as West Nile. The aim is to provide a robust and reliable broadband network across Uganda.

The government will embark on an ambitious plan to extend the NBI network to more areas, and this expansion involves the laying of fibre-optic cables and the establishment of additional connection points in previously underserved regions. By bringing reliable affordable high-speed internet to remote areas, the government seeks to bridge the digital divide and promote inclusive economic growth.

Benefits of Extended NBI

Reduced Internet Prices: The increased competition resulting from the extended NBI network is expected to drive down internet prices. As more Internet Service Providers (ISPs) gain access to the backbone infrastructure, consumers can look forward to more affordable and competitive pricing plans. Lower internet costs will enable wider access to online services, e-commerce, education, and communication platforms, benefitting individuals and businesses alike.

Enhanced Internet Accessibility: The extension of the NBI will significantly improve internet accessibility for both urban and rural communities. By bringing reliable internet connectivity to underserved regions, the government aims to empower individuals, businesses, and institutions to leverage the vast opportunities offered by the digital age.

Economic Growth and Innovation: The extended NBI will act as a catalyst for economic growth and innovation in Uganda. Improved internet connectivity will foster an environment conducive to entrepreneurship, attracting investments and enabling the emergence of technology-driven startups. It will also facilitate knowledge sharing, research collaboration, and skill development, leading to advancements in various sectors of the economy.

Government Services and E-Governance: The expanded NBI network will strengthen the delivery of government services through e-governance initiatives. Citizens will have easier access to digital services, such as online tax filing, citizen registration, and government information portals. This streamlined approach will not only enhance efficiency but also promote transparency and accountability within the government.

Uganda’s decision to extend the National Backbone Infrastructure (NBI) is a significant stride toward a digitally inclusive society. The initiative holds the promise of improved internet accessibility, lower prices, and increased opportunities for economic growth and innovation. By investing in digital infrastructure, the government is building the foundation for a thriving digital economy and empowering its citizens to participate fully in the global digital revolution. With continued efforts, Uganda is well-positioned to leverage the benefits of enhanced connectivity and drive to social and economic transformation.

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