
Government approves creation of Food and Agricultural Authority                  

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Cabinet has approved a proposal to establish a Food and Agricultural Authority (FAA) that will be mandated with food-related matters, the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Frank Tumwebaze has revealed during parliamentary session yesterday 25th October 2023.

The minister of agriculture, animal industry and fisheries, frank Tumwebaze, speaking during the plenary sitting on Wednesday 25 October 2023

Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry, and Fisheries Frank Tumwebaze disclosed during yesterday’s parliamentary session that the proposal to form a Food and Agricultural Authority (FAA) that would be tasked with overseeing food-related concerns has been accepted by Cabinet. The idea was made public on October 25, 2023.

Hon Tumwebaze noted that the authority is the long-awaited answer for food security and food safety, as it will boost the existing efforts to make the country food secure.

“The Authority will beef up the National Drugs Authority and National Bureau of Standards in ensuring that we are food secure,” said Tumwebaze.

The minister announced the development while presenting a statement on World Food Day, during the plenary sitting on Wednesday, 25 October 2023.

The 2023 World Food Day was commemorated under the theme: Water is life, water is food, leave no one behind on 16th October.

Tumbwebaze told MPs about the new crop varieties developed by scientists at the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO), all focused on boosting food production.

“There are two new maize varieties; Naromaize 63 PVA is an orange maize breed rich in Vitamin A and Naromaize 64STR with inherent characteristics for striga resistance. The two sweet potato varieties have orange flesh rich in vitamin A and are suitable for food and confectionary industries,” Tumwebaze said.

The minister also mentioned a new rice variety adaptable to lowlands and a pasture variety rich in proteins, and less costly when compared to soybeans that have been the dominant animal feed.

He hailed NARO for what he termed as scientific milestones and invited Parliament for a tour of NARO laboratories, to which Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa agreed.

“Next week I will lead a team comprising of the chairpersons for the Agriculture Committee, Natural Resources Committee, Budget Committee and other experts in agriculture to visit NARO,” said Tayebwa while chairing the day’s sitting.

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