Akena Welcomes Museveni’s Effort to End Electoral Malpractice

During the Oyam North County by-election, where the UPC won its ninth seat in parliament, the election was overshadowed by allegations of electoral fraud and chaos, raising concerns about the state of democracy in Uganda. President Museveni responded by instructing the head of the State House Anti-Corruption Unit to investigate the instances of fraud.
Jimmy Akena, a representative of the UPC, condemned the undemocratic acts and emphasized the importance of free, fair, and nonviolent elections.
Akena urged Museveni to step up the request for a probe by taking concrete action considering the Oyam North County byelection, in which the UPC won its ninth seat in parliament.
In his letter, Museveni instructed Brig. Gen. Henry Isoke, head of the State House Anti-Corruption Unit, to investigate instances of fraud and chaos that, in his opinion, would lead to a repeat of the 1980 rigged elections that drove the National Resistance Army (NRA/M) into the bush for a five-year guerilla war.
“This is a blatant example of the widespread electoral misconduct and enormous fraud that have been destroying Uganda’s democracy. Serious measures against offenders should be taken in response to Museveni’s appeal,” he said.
On Wednesday, Akena said electoral fraud in the nation continues to pose a serious threat to democratic norms and undermine the will of the people while speaking to the media at UPC headquarters in Kampala.
“As UPC, we’ll follow this case through to its natural conclusion. By holding free, fair, and nonviolent elections, we can strengthen our democracy, the official stated.
“We strongly condemn the undemocratic acts of ballot stuffing that were noticed at Wang Lobo, Acokara, and Baromele in Otwal sub-county in full view of men in uniform,” Akena, who is also the son of former Ugandan President Dr. Apollo Milton Obote, said.
Dr. Eunice Otuko Apio, the UPC’s flag-bearer for the Oyam North parliamentary byelection, won the day and was proclaimed the winner last week.
To succeed the late Okello Engola, who served as the state minister for industrial relations, there were four contenders. The contenders were Samuel Okello, the son of Engola, Apio of UPC, Daniel Okello of the National Unity Platform, and Freddie Newton Okello of the Forum for Democratic Change, who carried the banner for the National Resistance Movement party.
With 15,718 votes, Apio defeated Okello Junior, who received 15,176 votes, to claim the victory.
As a result of Okello Engola’s security Wilson Sabiiti shooting him to death, the Oyam County North seat became vacant.