
Deadline Set for Disbursement of Parish Development Model (PDM) Funds in Gulu District

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Gulu District in Northern Uganda has set a deadline of October 15, 2023, for the disbursement of Parish Development Model (PDM) funds to beneficiaries. The district aims to distribute a total of sh5 billion to households in 37 parishes.

Cosmas James Okidi-the Gulu Deputy RDC while handing over files to PDM Chairpersons after scrutinizing it. photo by NewVision

Gulu district set October 15, 2023, deadline for the disbursement of all Parish Development Model (PDM) money to the different beneficiaries.

Gulu District has officially established a deadline of October 15, 2023, for the disbursement of funds under the Parish Development Model (PDM) to its respective beneficiaries. This directive was issued by Cosmas James Okidi, the Deputy Resident District Commissioner (DRDC) of Gulu District, during a stakeholders’ engagement meeting on October 2, 2023.

The event, which focused on the training of PDM Group Chairpersons, took place at the Bungatira Sub-County Headquarters within Gulu District. At this gathering, Okidi also presented the approved applicant files to the SACCO Chairpersons.

In his address, Okidi appealed to the beneficiaries, emphasizing the importance of prudent money management by selecting enterprises in alignment with prescribed guidelines. He underscored that any deviation from the budget or misappropriation would invoke punitive measures in accordance with the Public Financial Management Act and relevant legal statutes.

Numerous district leaders have expressed their dedication to meeting the set deadline. Alfred Ocen, the Gulu District Commercial Officer (DCO) and PDM Focal Persons, is confident in achieving the target. He stated that their commitment ensures the timely disbursement of funds to all SACCOs in the district by the end of the current week.

Group beneficiaries while attending the stakeholders’ engagement meeting. Photo by newvison

Ocen disclosed that Gulu District possesses a total fund of 5 billion shillings, intended for distribution among households in all the parishes within the district. The district encompasses 37 parishes with 5,024 households, and thus far, approximately 1,300 households have received 107 million shillings each, totalling 139.1 million shillings disbursed among these initial beneficiaries.

Ocen noted, “So far, we have 1,300 households whose loans have been approved and disbursed.” Additionally, he explained that an additional 1,000 beneficiaries have received approval, and their verification is underway by SACCO leaders, including scrutinizing bank accounts, paper approvals, and other technical procedures.

He expressed confidence that all funds will have been distributed to the respective households by the specified deadline.

Regarding the current status of PDM disbursements, Okidi disclosed that out of the total 4,024 households and groups spread across the 37 parishes in the 11 sub-counties of Gulu District eligible for PDM funds, only a portion has received their allocations. This situation necessitates intensified efforts to attain the district’s set objectives.

Okidi highlighted that the disbursement rate stands at less than fifty percent on average, with the highest-performing sub-county being Awach, having achieved a cumulative rate of 51%. This accounts for 130 households out of 271 receiving their funds. On the other hand, the lowest-performing sub-county, Paibona, has only reached two percent, with eight out of 428 groups having received their funds.

He stressed that this situation prompted the district to establish the October 15, 2023 deadline to ensure that all groups receive their allocated funds.

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